How to Engage Children in Circle Time via Zoom

Zoom , United States

September 18th 6:30-8:30pm – How to Engage Children in Circle Time $10 - Participants will learn ways to reduce challenging behaviors during circle-time. They will learn to deal with some typical behaviors generally observed during circle-time: such as; hitting, kicking and playing materials. The purpose of the training is to explore ways to create quality…

Get Tickets $10.00 10 tickets left

ITS SIDS Training via Zoom

Zoom , United States

September 24th 6:30-8:30pm- ITS-SIDS - $10 Learn to define Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, identify external stressors, and risk factors, list the components of a Safe Sleep Policy, understand how the NC Child Care regulations and best practices support infant sleep safety and help to reduce the risk of SIDS and suffocation, list procedures for responding…

Sold Out $10.00

ITS SIDS Training via Zoom

Zoom , United States

October 9th 6:30-8:30pm-ITS-SIDS $10-Learn to define Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, identify external stressors, and risk factors, list the components of a Safe Sleep Policy, understand how the NC Child Care regulations and best practices support infant sleep safety and help to reduce the risk of SIDS and suffocation, list procedures for responding to an unresponsive…

Get Tickets $10.00 9 tickets left

ITS SIDS Training via Zoom

Zoom , United States

November 12th 6:30-8:30pm-ITS-SIDS $10-Learn to define Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, identify external stressors, and risk factors, list the components of a Safe Sleep Policy, understand how the NC Child Care regulations and best practices support infant sleep safety and help to reduce the risk of SIDS and suffocation, list procedures for responding to an unresponsive…


Building Your Bounce Training

Zoom , United States

November 19th 6:30-8:30pm – Building Your Bounce $10 – Understanding Risk and Protective Factors. We will discuss the terms “risk factors” and “protective factors” to gain an understanding of the difference of these factors and identify where they are in our lives. The participants will be able to look at their own risk factors and…
